Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 9 - oh I feel like death

Nine days I have been exercising on that bike and I feel like I am increasing in size not reducing my weight or size. I have felt sick today when I've eaten which has been fun. Today I ate a black cherry fruit corner and a squares bar. For dinner I had an innoncent lentil dhanbar with mixed grain crackers. I had some nuts and seeds. For tea I had a stir fry with broccoli, asparagus and beans with tofu. I had a pitta pocket with a small about hokum pus. I tried to eat golden vegetable rice but barely touched it. I'm not feeling great. This makes me feel bad. So tired. The Paul McKenna stuff is working but I'm not sure I'm enjoying food too much. Definitely tasting it but not overly enjoying. Go figure.

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