Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 6 - this is becoming a habit...

Today has been very strange, for the first time in a long time I made food and didn't eat it. I am shocked. I had a square bar, 2 rice cakes, peppers, carrots and mooni with a terayaki sauce pot, 2 potato cakes and some cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage with asparagus. Not a lot, slightly strange but I felt sick and I was full. The Paul McKenna DVD was working and I definitely feel sort of different. I have been a grumpy monkey today unfortunately. I have done 20 minutes exercise (I know not enough but at least it's something). I am punishing my self watching the Hairy Biker's Dairy programme. Not a diet programme but also with a lactose intolerance I ignore, probably not a great idea. But I love it and them. Got two new recipe books - is saddening all veggie cookbooks are inherently the same - makes me sad inside :(

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