Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day 16 - barely eaten till late

I felt rather ill today. I have finally eaten at 7pm. I had some whole grain rice, broccoli, asparagus and broad beans with two pieces of whole grain toast. I felt sick all day with catarrh and not being able to go to the toilet which isn't good. I am feeling knackered :( I went to bed last at 9pm I felt so poorly.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day 15 - I feel very ill today

I have still exercised today, I burnt off the twirl I ate to cheer me up. I haven't eaten a full day's full. I ate half a chocolate thin, pearly barley innocent with mixed grain crackers and for tea I had 2 pieces of toast. I feel pretty full unfortunately. I think that's because I feel I'll- my throat and mouth feel awful. Bad times eh!! Watching secret eaters again - it's really motivating me to change. I need to lose at least a stone so I'm no longer overweight. I shouldn't be overweight, I'm 32 and should still have a decent body. Right now I don't, I will though. I still feel guilty for being overweight for my friends wedding! Never again!! This ends now.

Monday 9 June 2014

Day 14- feeling pretty pants - stupid cheese.

Today I ate a brunch bar for breakfast. 2 dark chocolate rice cakes as a snack then edamame, broccoli and peas salad with a small amount of feta. For a snack this afternoon I ate some apple pieces. For tea I ate asparagus, broccoli, green beans and butternut squash with two pieces of whole grain toast. I did 35 minutes on the exercise bike whilst torturing myself watching secret eaters. This eating 20 chews and putting knife and fork down works wonders. I know I've always over estimated portions but I'm so full at the moment. My pants feel looser too. Don't want to weigh myself though as I am building muscle and I think it would devastate me. I measured though and I'm 38-34-43 which is pretty bad if I'm honest but in a few more weeks I'm hoping my waist and bum will be better measurements at least :)

Sunday 8 June 2014

Day 13 - Sunday feeling - far too warm.

Today I have been for a 45 minute walk and done 20 minutes on the exercise bike. I ate 2 potato cakes and beans for breakfast. 2 pieces of whole grain toast with some beet root and a yoghurt for lunch. We then went to frankie and benny's where I ate a goats cheese and caramelised onion wrap with chips. Two pieces of garlic bread and then some peanut butter sundae. Let's say it was a write off. Back to normal tomorrow.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 12 - weekend time

Today I have eaten 2 potato cakes, beans and a fried egg. A peanut brunch bar and 30g nuts and seeds. Then I made myself a cheese less pizza with basil, herbs and garlic. My legs are killing from the fire evacuation yesterday so I only did 10 mins on the bike today. I could have not done it but at least I persevered!

Day 11 - starting to use food as intended

Had chocolate orange thins, veggie sushi, apple and grapes. Then had tapas for tea which included houmous with pitta, mozzarella and tomato, Spanish potato tortilla, mini pizza, garlic mushrooms and garlic bread. We had a fire alarm at work so walked down 17 flights of stairs and then did 15 mins of the bike tonight. I shouldn't feel guilty about enjoying food- it was small and bite sized. Managed to continue eating slowly!! Good times.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Day 10 - to weigh or measure?

Both me and the boy now feel ill but I refuse to stop being a better eater. Today I had a square bar, a gingerbread man as felt sick, crackers and innocent Mexican chipotle chilli. Had some nuts and seeds, stirfry from last night with tofu, cherry tomatoes and some houmous. I feel sick now though. I also weighed myself today , scales said I was 12 st 11 3/4 which was exceedingly depressing. Thought I was doing well :( bad times