Monday 19 March 2012

This Vegetarian

So, starting a blog - don't expect it to light the world on fire but hey ho - i think it's quite nice to share my thoughts to someone who may listen. I have been a Vegetarian for the last 23 years. Things have changed since 1989 - i remember going to restaurant and only being able to eat chips because there was not even a salad on the menu. Few years later i do also recall the only thing on the menu being a mushroom stroganoff for a 12 year old girl in the 90's (don't get me wrong now a days that'd be cool but then - oh god no - i was so shouted at for picking at the rice and not eating it, my dad was so mad). I was given the choice when i was little of eating meat but i did not like the smell or the taste of it. To be fair i only ate fish till i was 7 and then decided i didn't want to anymore. I gave up sweets at 12 because of the gelatine and it's just the norm for me now. I'm not a preachy vegetarian - i eat what i eat and don't expect others to follow suit. All my ex boyfriends and my current boyfriend have all been meat eaters and i have made them meat meals. One ex Andy would never eat a meal without meat - i remember making this lovely meal and he put in a steak to go with it as he said my meal was just a side order - it was funny i guess. James, my current boyfriend is quite a fussy eater but he does eat what i make so that's easier. So food is easier now, books and programmes do cater for vegetarians most of the time. There aren't many vegetarian restaurants but more than there was years ago. There is nothing nicer than going to Greens in Didsbury because i know i can eat every single thing on the menu - it makes me giddy. Not having to look for a "V" sign and crossing your fingers it won't be another lasagne or omelette is beautiful. Saying that i have also discovered over the last few years that i am intolerant to bread and dairy. Now i will not become a vegan because i love cheese and chocolate too much but i am trying to go down the lacto route of late. Today though i made a beautiful Macaroni Cheese with vegetables (carrot, broccoli and cauliflower). I used Creme Fraiche and Lacto Free Cheese - it tastes nice really. I did have to use white pasta which i do not prefer but as my boyfriend will not touch brown pasta as he calls it gritty but compromise is a virtue i'm told.
I'm also made a lasagne today, one for me just with tomato sauce and cheese sauce for me and one for James with mince in it - i've considered using TVP and see if he notices the difference but i hate the stuff so no. I just never got the pretending to eat meat thing - maybe because i never have and it must be hard to swap when you have.
I waffle on, i know i do but i do have interesting things to say honestly ..................

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