Tuesday 20 March 2012

Being 30

I said this to a friend of mine who was turning 30 today who is having a pretty crappy time to the beginnings of her 30's. "We started the last decade of our twenties not knowing the real world, we thought that we did but as the years progress we realise we know a little more than yesterday. We have learnt to love the people we love and remove the people who no longer matter. These partings are sad but necessary. We started our 20's feeling sorry for ourselves and in relationships that did not make us happy. We met many boys along the way who were not suitable or good for us and then obviously met the people we love today. We don't know what the future holds who who we may be in ten years time but that's a good thing and in 10 years we will look back on our 30 year old selves with fondness and a feeling that we knew nothing of who or what we were or would be. These are difficult times but we are alive, we are loved and things can only get better"
I belive this to be true and only hope that she understands I know she is strong and wonderful will happen for her.

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