Monday 19 March 2012


I'm sat here thinking about gaming. I like to play computer games, I do play World of Warcraft and I have also played Sims for many years (1,2 +3). I own an Xbox and a Wii, I was a Super Nintendo child and owned an amstrad and an amiga back in the 80's and 90's. My parents owned Pong and i vaguely remember the spectrum we had with space invaders. I also like to play Pokemon and have many games on my xbox BUT and i know i shouldn't feel this way because i am a gamer myself, i hate Call of Duty, Star Wars Old Republic and i am currently going through a hatred of Mass Effect 3. Games steal boyfriends. They go all silent and forget you are there they are so engrossed. I think James would forget to eat and shower if i left him to play 24/7. Ironically he's pretty good in comparison to previous boyfriends. Paul used to play COD in our bedsit till 3am whilst i was trying to sleep and he insisted that he had the sound on. Simon pretty much said he'd prefer to have COD than a girlfriend. Boys forget girls are there when their playing - it's pretty annoying to be fair but hey - i love games and i shouldn't complain. It's just the elephant in the room i guess!!

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