Monday 19 March 2012


So i bought a book by Marian Keyes called Saved By Cake - it's pretty good - pretty easy to follow and it is true, baking does give you something to focus on and can make you feel a lot better.
It can be said that i like to bake, i don't always get a chance to because of work and that fact that my current kitchen is a glorified box - no space to prepare anything really. saying that there is nothing more gratifying than taking your time, giving your baking the love it deserves and watching raw materials turn into something special and tasty.
I still haven't perfected the victoria sponge - that is my goal - one day i will make the most moist and fluffy victoria sponge but until that day when i can manage to get air into the sponge and not have it be really flat i will persevere. Cake baking is an art - you have to practice and practice and practice and get pretty chubby before you get it really right.
See my problem is this, i can bake and it'll taste ok but it always looks a bit lopsided or it has fallen apart (always a bit like in 3 men and a little lady when sylvia bakes). I try and although i fail i still believe i will improve. I have cold hands like your supposed to for baking. One day i will be posting a picture of a lovely victoria sponge but until that day i will just have to keep trying !!!! My boyfriend made me tardis cake for my birthday - that was pure skill - wish i was as clever as him. Again though - one day - i will have a bake off with James and i will win :)

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