Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 1 - New exercise regime

So today was the first day of my new health regime - yes I wouldn't hold your breath but fingers crossed!! So my legs feel like jelly after I did 53 minutes on the exercise bike, I feel like this was a mistake, I don't want to think about my legs in the morning. I was a sweat monster - totally ridiculous!!! So I had some nuts and seeds, veggie sushi, beet root crisps, butternut squash, asparagus and broccoli with new potatoes. Then a quiche with mushrooms and slow roasted tomatoes. So, healthy food and exercise. Unfortunately I weigh 12st 10 pounds at 5ft 7 inch I am overweight. I am 32 and if I don't sort it now I'll always be bigger. What has sparked this new weight loss battle? My best friend's wedding when all the pictures were being taken I felt like the fat friend. I know I'm not massive-don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm horrific but it's a slippery slope. I love food but I am unhealthy and I know that I'm not doing myself any favours. I need to lose at least a stone to get myself in the high end of my bmi. So I need to do this for my self esteem and for my relationships. I feel fat and ugly so I become a hermit and sweat about the small stuff. Oh to be a size 12 again....I'm a high end size 16 unfortunately :( happy, healthy and trying to be the best me I can be. Picture below is day 1 - not a face I like looking back - hopefully it'll be better if I lose some size. I even made dinner for tomorrow, vegetable frittata with potato and peas!! Roll on healthy dinners.....

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