Monday 29 October 2012

Sticky cinnamon buns today

Stress baking again!!! Got home from work and made sticky cinnamon buns. First time I've made bread intentionally - man it tasted good. Glad tried recipe as had spare pecans in the tardis of my cooking cupboard!! So yay me. Cookies were eaten today. Spoils of baking good. Definitely putting on weight though - need to stop eating sugary goodness :( note to self though - buy more icing sugar. Can't drizzle properly!!!

Sunday 28 October 2012

Baking cookies - fingers crossed they work

So I'm trying to make double chocolate cookies. First attempt had mint choc chips - tasted nice but were a bit small. Next attempt had orange and white and milk chocolate. Can't really taste orange but much bigger and taste good. Got the recipe out of cake and cookies book. Need to perfect but quite positive. Just need to stop eating the bloody things. So hard to diet when you LOVE food! Te he he

Saturday 27 October 2012

Bad day - so tired

All I wanted today was to finish work at 4 - go home get in my pj's make something tasty to eat and watch SCD. I babysat my boyfriends Niece and Nephew for 5 1/2 hours and then came home to go bed so I can start work at 7am again :( boooooooooo! Better be some baking tomorrow! P.s my mum bought me my birthday present today - a food processor :)

Friday 26 October 2012

Me and my stupid brain

So I'm say here feeling a bit down. Songs on my iPod tonight seem to be reminding me of exes and there are times I do wonder where I would be with different choices.i love james I really do more than anyone I've ever loved which I think is 3 times. I know I thought it was more but u do when you are young I guess. Andy my first boyfriend has two kids now. He cheated on me with a friend After 9 months. I dated David who I loved stupidly so. I ended that mental nightmare after 18 months. Then Mark who just got engaged, next was Adam-I was a right cow. Then Andy Dj - he's disappeared. Then I met Paul - womaniser extraordinaire and I loved him and dealt with it till I realised after 4 years I'd never get the things I wanted or needed. Then Danny who only wanted me because I had a boyfriend. Then Lee who made me lose faith in men. Andy gee who is married with a kid on the way. We just didn't fit. Then Simon who loved COD more than me. Then Kev who to be honest was a psycho. Now there's James. Nearly 3 years - drives me mental at times but I love him. Ooh that all sounds long. Sorry if you have fallen asleep x

According to my friends I can bake honest

So I've realised my last few posts seem to show I'm a bit useless in the kitchen- so not true - maybe 10% of the time - well maybe 20% anyway I digress. I can cook and bake. And I will prove it! See not so rubbish. More as I go on - I apologise now ;P

Epic fail - Paul Hollywood and Nigel Slater would be ashamed

So I got a flan dish and ceramic beans off James and it was all going well until after 15 mins the beans were stuck to my pastry. So I'd been watching Nigel Slater earlier today and seeing as I'd already prepared my filling with feta and asparagus and thyme with a pinch of five spice (yes I said five spice) I decided to copy his frittata = bad bad mistake. My hob is too small. It stuck to the pan and looks like scrambled egg. On the plus side it tasted nice. Think I'm having a bad cooking day. Epic fail Marianne!!

Epic fail - I'm no Nigella

So I tried a nigella lawson recipe to make Tuscan chips - all u do is fry the potatoes in cold oil till they crisp and then add garlic and rosemary to the oil. Epic fail first time. Second time I used sweet potato and third time potatoes again. Last two were tasty score!!

Cooking, dieting and me

so i have gotten a little obsessed with cakes and cooking shows - i am now the proud owner of a flan tin and ceramic beads. I watch loads of tv programmes on food and in the midst of this i am trying to diet so i am sending my boyfriend to work with cakes and biscuits most days. i am hungry all the time and it is with great willpower that i must say no. I just made a pizza and i feel guilty - that's how bad we're talking at the moment. You see i'm 30 and my metabolism died about 4 years ago. I've always been a yo yo dieter as my love and passion for food is all consuming. so i decided that this blog is now to be about my journey of learning to cook and bake properly. we'll see how that goes shall is a new day......