Thursday 27 June 2013

Dieting - my nemesis

So I've been trying veggie low carbs. It was limiting, I could barely eat fruit, I kept fainting and worst of all it's put me off cheese. Oh and how I love cheese. So my food rebellion started yesterday where I ate 2 apple doughnuts and lots and lots of fruit. I snuck in some dairy milk and finished it off with some lovely brown pasta. It was AMAZING!!! I may try to reduce my carbs but low carbs (it may have well been NO carbs at 20g a day). So today hasn't been great - i finish off those doughnuts from yesterday and had some more dairy milk. Tomorrow is a new day though so I will be healthier and hopefully have some energy to exercise. I ordered some Vegetarian Raspberry Kerotone and Vegetarian Colon cleanse so let us see how that improves things over the next month. I stand at 12 stone 1 lb today. I pray to be 11st 9lbs by 27th July. We shall see...........let's just hope I don't get obsessed with chocolate again!!!!

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