Sunday 30 June 2013

Day 3 - I am not on a diet

So I weighed myself today and I've put on weight. I weighed 12st 2lbs. I'm not going to worry, I ate late last night. My food today includes grapes for breakfast. Lunch was rhubarb crumble and vanilla ice cream. Pizza was for tea. Then strawberries/raspberries and blackberries with single light cream. Feeling guilty-need to start being good. It's like I'm on a sugar high :) so need to be a better dieter.maybe tomorrow.....the Kerotone and colon cleanse came yesterday do today is day one-let's see how this rolls!!!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Day 2 - it began well

So I had porridge for breakfast, some grapes, slimming world quiche with salad  so that was ok. Then James sabotaged me, gave me a wispa and then bought me a garlic bread with tomato base. So day 2 =epic fail!!!! Measurements for posterity are 37-33-43. That is wrong. My raspberry Kerotone and colon cleanse came today. Let's see what happens :)

Friday 28 June 2013

Day 1 - The diet begins

So food today was for breakfast raspberry, blueberries and blackberries with Devon dream. Lunch was slimming world quiche, beet root and salad. Tea was 100g brown pasta with chopped tomatoes and sweet corn. I had 6 pieces of dairy milk though so that was bad. No exercise, must do better. Got to think of better meals. Oh and I had a 25g cathedral city cheese. 

Thursday 27 June 2013

Dieting - my nemesis

So I've been trying veggie low carbs. It was limiting, I could barely eat fruit, I kept fainting and worst of all it's put me off cheese. Oh and how I love cheese. So my food rebellion started yesterday where I ate 2 apple doughnuts and lots and lots of fruit. I snuck in some dairy milk and finished it off with some lovely brown pasta. It was AMAZING!!! I may try to reduce my carbs but low carbs (it may have well been NO carbs at 20g a day). So today hasn't been great - i finish off those doughnuts from yesterday and had some more dairy milk. Tomorrow is a new day though so I will be healthier and hopefully have some energy to exercise. I ordered some Vegetarian Raspberry Kerotone and Vegetarian Colon cleanse so let us see how that improves things over the next month. I stand at 12 stone 1 lb today. I pray to be 11st 9lbs by 27th July. We shall see...........let's just hope I don't get obsessed with chocolate again!!!!