Sunday 13 January 2013

Saturday 12 January 2013

Food time

So today I made chilli pasta with vegetables. Problem is I'm really hungry still. Slimming world is going well I just seem to be having an excessively hungry day. I've been really good because james has been eating unhealthy food and offering it me all day and I have resisted. I've witnessed cake and chocolate and nachos. I had a Freddo as one of my syns but I occasionally so far miss the naughty food. But I am overweight and if I carry on the way I have been doing I'll end up obese so I must succeed. 14 weeks to go :)

Friday 11 January 2013

Slimming World

So i joined Slimming world on Monday 7th January. I weighed 12 stone 8lbs which devastated me but it was good motivation. The food optimising plan is very easy and you do still get to eat the food you want to in small amounts. It is hard to not eat fat and to cook all your meals healthily but it will be worth it. Today i ate Pasta with Mushrooms in Passata. I added garlic and chillies and it was a completely free meal on the plan. So, i need to think of some more meals so that this doesn't get boring and that i keep to my diet so i can hit my target weight in 15 weeks (my friend michelle's 31st birthday) of 10st 8lbs. I do need to exercise though, i've been bad with it as i'm off for a week and haven't yet other than 2 two mile walks in the last few days. Progress report to follow ;)

The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

So me and James watched the Hobbit. It was a good film, cinematically amazing. I had a few problems with it, it was very long (it is one of 3), the fact i haven't read the book since my teens gave me a disservice as i couldn't remember the story and the fact that Elijah Wood was in it. I did have a small problem with him in LOTR as i found Frodo a bit of a wimp but that's just me. I really loved Martin Freeman as Bilbo, he did a good job and Ian Mckellen as always is fantastic as Gandalf. I did enjoy it and I can't wait for the next film as i think Peter Jackson is a brilliantly minded Director who truly breathes his love of the books into the films.


I went to see Quartet with my mum. The film was a positive watch, the storyline meaty and the actors amazing. I thought that Pauline Collins stole the show but Maggie Smith played the diva unquestionably well. You can't beat Billy Connolly in any role and he was fabulous in this film. I loved this film and would recommend it to anyone who likes anything like Tea with Mussolini, Ladies in Lavender and Calendar Girls.

Gangster Squad

So, me and Michelle went to see Gangster Squad last night and it was good. Lots of violence and blood. The opening scene scared me half to death but that was ok, the story was good, the acting amazing and the eye candy of Ryan Gosling definitely helped on the eye. The storyline was really well played out and it was a really good film to watch. I enjoyed it, the late 40's setting was cool with beautiful sets and as it was a true story I found it quite inspirational that there were people in LA that cared so much. I'd watch it again and recommend that people go to see it.