Monday 22 July 2013

Day 25

Porridge, breakfast biscuits, 2 Jaffa cakes, 3 crackers, pasta and sauce with sweet corn and beetroot with a bagel and humous. Oh and some grapes, fatty attacks again. 

Day 22, 23 and 24

Fri I ate breakfast biscuits, a piece of cake. Pizza. Sat I ate 3 Jaffa cakes, half baguette with humous - olives and feta. For tea I ate pasta and sauce with mozzarella. Sun I ate halloumi panini and chips, piece of cheesecake, wedges and lasagna and a cider. So greedy it's untrue

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Thursday 18 July 2013

Day 21

Weighed myself this morning and weighed a fab 11st 13lbs but haven't lost now in two weeks. My body hates me and I have been naughty. I ate porridge this morning, a cereal bar, a small banana cupcake (I made a loaf it needed trying) then a salad with half slimming world quiche and some olives. Then I ate strawberries and the other half when I got home. I only want to have a healthy bmi and be a bit happier with my size. I'm too hot and exhausted to exercise. When is it god damn going to rain? Please rain I need to get fit for my holidays in september. I'm extending my 11st 9lbs to mid August now. Never going to see 10stone again I feel. Oh well, I prefer cake to being thin.!!!

Days 18, 19 and 20.

So Monday I started to be good again and it failed. I ate cereal biscuits, cherries and then macaroni cheese with sweet potato. Tues I ate breakfast biscuits, strawberries and mozzarella salad with beetroot and a wrap for tea. Wednesday I ate breakfast biscuits, strawberries and feta salad with a sweet potato and two lollies. No wonder I weighed 12st 1lb on tues. epic food fail!!!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Day 17

Weighed myself and I have lost nothing since last saturday so still weighing in at 11st 13lbs. so i am still in the right stone bracket but i need to exercise as now i have a stationary job, a good diet is just not enough i guess. I guess though, lack of sleep and two nights out took their toll. I will succeed. Then I murdered the diet and had BBQ. Had 2 Jaffa cakes, halloumi, 2 veggie burgers 3 pittas and some aioli and a few lollies.

Day 15 and 16

So it was friday so I ate breakfast biscuits, strawberries, bagel, freddo, pasta and sauce and vegetables. Saturday was an awful food day - i ate breakfast biscuits, strawberries, a twirl, a piece of cheesecake, 3 pitta breads and some aoili. feel massive. I know i'm doing this the right way but still I feel bad for eating bad things :( Was really fun at Dani and Waynes. Their house is amazing and in the country even though it's only 10 miles away. Had so much fun :)

Thursday 11 July 2013

Day 14-bad day equals food

Porridge for breakfast, strawberries, apple jelly and a mini roll (weight watchers). Couldn't weigh myself this morning as started work at 6am!!! So tired. Want to eat more already. Then I had pasta with tomato sauce. Cheese 25g as well. Still thinking about food-would really like to eat more. Hungry hungry hungry today. Just seen Michelle, love seeing her. 

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Day 13 - oops

So my appetite is reducing. I ate porridge, strawberries, yoghurt and some raisins. for tea i ate 25g cheese, ice lolly, 2/3 pizza and feta with olives. I have had an orange jelly as well. I need to eat but feel guilty as I don't feel like exercise as it's sooo hot!!! Never gonna lose weight at this rate. Boo. I'll be a fatty on holiday in September :(

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Day 12 -I think I've hit a wall

Food today was nutrigrain biscuits, 2 ice lollies, strawberries, 1 flatbread, pasta with tomato sauce and 2 25g cheeses and some grapes. Oh my god I have hit a wall but it's not the one I thought, I've hit the insanity wall if eating that was a problem in any way!! I walked from Salford Uni to Arndale House this morning. It just too warm to do any exercise but I've only got another16 days to lose 4lbs and this is where my body decides to go on strike!!! I will persevere!! I'm still not mega hungry! Just wish the weight would come off my bum-it never does. I lose my top half and I end up like a bloody pear. Oh to look like Kelly Brook. Yeah right not in a million years!!!

Monday 8 July 2013

Day 11- fat monkey

So I went a bit crazy today. Had beans on toast, 2 eggs for breakfast. 1 piece of halloumi, 2 pieces of flatbread, tzatiki, 1 lolly, stir fry with noodles. Couple of grapes. Actually written down that's not as much as I thought. Did some moon walk and twists at the park. Saw my grandma-she's 95 today. Helped my mum flood the bathroom trying to change the handle. Eventful day it was x

Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 10 - still dieting, food is not the enemy

So I have eaten today 2 yoghurts, 3 Jaffa cakes, half a pitta, few pieces of feta. Few potatoes with whole grain mustard, tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper with tzatiki. Portion of rapberry Tiramisu and some strawberries. Walked around for 2 hours. Am soooo knackered. I still don't feel very hungry but am trying to drink as much as possible. God it's so hot today - hopefully I'm sweating it out. Vitamin d has got to be good! Add to my day a volvic juiced, piece of halloumi and a fruit pastille Lolly. Feel a bit guilty but hey ho.

Day 8 and 9

Yesterday I ate porridge, strawberries and pasta with tomato sauce cheese and veg. I weighed in at 11st 13lbs which is awesome. Food wise today not so good. Jaffa cake for breakfast. 2 eggs, 1 veggie burger with halloumi and pitta. Wholgrain mustard potatoes, 1 veggie sausage, feta, tzatiziki and cucumber and pepper!! Then an ice pop and some strawberries. Finally a weight watchers mini roll!!! But we played frisbee in the park for an hour and used the gym there!! Roll on Sunny Sunday :)

Friday 5 July 2013

Day 6 and 7

So I meant to write but didn't get chance. So on Wednesday I had porridge, cherries for dinner, last piece of quiche, piece of mozzarella, sweet potato with a bit of low fat garlic and herb cream cheese and some strawberries. James sabotaged me though. Sugar!!!! Ahhh. Yesterday I had porridge, strawberries and cherries, flatbread and rice, bag of buttons and some grapes.. I weighed 12st 1lbs (1lb loss-still a loss) and measured 37-31-41 so some inch loss!! I think I need to force myself into exercise! 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Day 5 - better yet cake won

So today I ate raspberry and blackberry porridge with a banana. Strawberries. 100g pasta with tomato sauce. 25g cheese. Sweetcorn. A very small slice of chocolate cheesecake. Oh and some grapes. So not a terrible day except the cake. Better weigh in tomorrow-hope I don't cry !!! Also did 30 minutes wii fit tonight :)

Monday 1 July 2013

Day 4 - a new hope

So I finally drank 3.5 litres of water. Only problem being I need to pee constantly!! Food today was porridge, banana, pun net of strawberries, quiche and salad, 2 eggs, mozzarella, sweet corn and ratatouille. Few grapes. That's pretty healthy!!! So now to master exercise!!! My take a while- I am very lazy!! Oh well :(